Tuesday, October 5, 2010

labor day weekend - part 2

While waiting for my nails to dry, I decided this would be the perfect time to update my blog with part two of labor day weekend... yes, I know labor day was more than a month ago. I'm slow with the updates, but I figured better update now than later at like... Christimas.

Anyway, my friend and I decided to take a one day trip out to Arizona. Why? Because we're crazy. So our adventure began at 6:15am. There really wasn't much to see until.. well.. there just wasn't very much to see, period. BUT, I got pretty excited to see these wind generators out in Coachella. There were, quite literally, hundreds of them.

Then we eventually crossed over into AZ. This was when I started to keep an eye out for cacti. (Don't ask why. Maybe because I associate Arizona with cacti. I dunno.)

And I saw them! Cacti! Massive, taller than houses, prickly cacti!

And then there REALLY wasn't much to see.. or take pictures of. So I snapped away at random things like... these power lines.

And Becky's ring.

And Danny's TV.

And a ceiling fan.

A bit past nine, we headed out of blazing hot Arizona and headed back home to California. It was a long drive. It was dark. And I got home around 3am. Yeah, I don't think we'll ever do that again. The end.

(yesss.. my nails are finally dry! good night world!)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

labor day weekend - part 1

A couple Saturdays ago, I decided to go hiking with my dad and brother. I honestly don't know what came over me.. agreeing to climb a mountain with two avid hikers. I guess I just thought, "pshh.. how hard could it be?" And well.. basically, I realized it was dumb of me to think that I could keep up with them. After all, I'm the type of person who likes to take leisurely walks.. through the mall.

We woke up at 5:30am, got ready, left the house at 6:15, and headed toward the mountains.

Destination: Icehouse Canyon. From the freeway, it looked harmless enough.

At 7:00am, we began our hike.

We saw nature.. lots of it. In various shapes and forms. Like this tree, here. It's bambi!

I call this, "pinecone graveyard." can you see my feet?

uhh.. self explanatory. tree bark.

At approx. 10am, we reached the top of icehouse canyon. and then we had brunch. shin ramen!
It was freaking delicious.

How come korean dads never smile?

holy leaf. (photo credit: peter)

(photo credit: peter)

Little, itty-bitty, teeny-weeny waterfall.

We reached the bottom at 12pm. I was happy to see cars. And a little confused to see...


We covered 7.5 miles in 5 hours - 3.5 hours going up, 1.5 hours coming down. If it weren't for me, my dad and brother probably could have finished this hike MUCH sooner. I mean, I didn't mean to get carsick on the way there.. and I didn't mean to be incredibly out shape, thus making hiking up those ridiculous inclines insanely difficult. Oh well. And now, I will end this post by quoting my dad:

"Peter, when you go work out, take Hannah with you. She's really out of shape."

I think he said that 10 minutes into the hike.

Friday, August 20, 2010

i've been working at my current job for the past 3.5 years now, and all the kids i've met when i first started working were in the 7th and 8th grades. of course throughout those years, they would come and go, and eventually the students in my original class were no more. but, every now and then, these kids (now juniors/seniors in high school) would stop by to say hi, and i would always be so surprised at how much they grew and changed. and oh, how i would take pleasure in reminding them of how they changed. they would all get so embarrassed when i reminded them of their past.

this summer, a few of my old students came back to take SAT classes, and though they were not in my class, they did take the time to come over to my room during their breaks to... basically bother/annoy me." obviously i used that time to, once again, remind them of how immature, bratty, difficult, disrespectful, and short they were.

"you used to be this short!"
"you used to be SUCH a little punk"
"you used to be so angry all the time"
"you.. do you remember? you cussed me out once because i wrongly accused you for doing something. by the way, i do apologize for that."

well, today was the last day of sat class, which only means i won't be seeing these former students of mine anymore. 15 minutes before work ends, a student walks in, says "here hannah, eat this," and hands me this:

a slice of pizza. with packets of cheese and pepper. i don't know why, but i felt touched and appreciated. i've seen how greedy these kids can get with their food, always reluctantly giving up a skittle or two. but this pizza, this fatty slice of pizza covered with toppings, so unexpectedly and willingly given... made my day.

as i walked out of work with the plate of pizza in hand, i realized.. i'm going to miss these kiddos.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

and... we're back!

After a five month hiatus, I am back!

These past few, or five, months have been a whirlwind of events and emotions. But through all the ups and downs, all I can say is that God is good. All the time.

I can also say that I have acquired a new nickname...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

bang bang!

Three reasons why i like my bangs:
1. they cover up my frown lines
2. they keep my forehead warm
3. they make me look young
Three reasons why i do not like my bangs:
1. they are slightly difficult to maintain
2. they are going to be poking me in the eyes once grown out
3. they make me look young

I don't know what compelled me to get blunt bangs, but I did.. and I like them. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


-bridge on ice-

-walking on (not so thin) ice-

-throwing rocks onto ice-

-rock in ice-

-big bear lake covered in ice-

i love the mountains in the wintertime.