i've been working at my current job for the past 3.5 years now, and all the kids i've met when i first started working were in the 7th and 8th grades. of course throughout those years, they would come and go, and eventually the students in my original class were no more. but, every now and then, these kids (now juniors/seniors in high school) would stop by to say hi, and i would always be so surprised at how much they grew and changed. and oh, how i would take pleasure in reminding them of how they changed. they would all get so embarrassed when i reminded them of their past.
this summer, a few of my old students came back to take SAT classes, and though they were not in my class, they did take the time to come over to my room during their breaks to... basically bother/annoy me." obviously i used that time to, once again, remind them of how immature, bratty, difficult, disrespectful, and short they were.
"you used to be this short!"
"you used to be SUCH a little punk"
"you used to be so angry all the time"
"you.. do you remember? you cussed me out once because i wrongly accused you for doing something. by the way, i do apologize for that."
well, today was the last day of sat class, which only means i won't be seeing these former students of mine anymore. 15 minutes before work ends, a student walks in, says "here hannah, eat this," and hands me this:
a slice of pizza. with packets of cheese and pepper. i don't know why, but i felt touched and appreciated. i've seen how greedy these kids can get with their food, always reluctantly giving up a skittle or two. but this pizza, this fatty slice of pizza covered with toppings, so unexpectedly and willingly given... made my day.
as i walked out of work with the plate of pizza in hand, i realized.. i'm going to miss these kiddos.