Monday, August 24, 2009


Business partners in the making...

: forget teaching
Jeanee: yeah
me: i'll just become a pastry chef
Jeanee: hahaha... I say, do it!
me: hahaha
Jeanee: do it do it do it
and make me your business partner
me: would you like to invest in a potential baker?
Jeanee: hahaha...
i will.... provide the sprinkles

And sure enough... a woman of her word.

Hand-colored sprinkles (& a postcard) from Magnolia Bakery in NYC. And the sprinkles are green! Jeanee Chung, you know me all too well. Thanks for the package! :)


Jeanee said...

i have pink ones. ^^v

jessymessy said...

nice picture! i was so confused for a moment bc i thought the postcard was a window. haha!